TUPADO is the acronym for Turkana Pastoralists Development Organization. The Organization was founded in 2000 and registered in Kenya as a National NGO in 2002 with the NGO Coordination Board. TUPADO was created from two organizations (Kakuma Pastoral Development Project (KPDP) and Lokitaung Pastoral Integrated Development Project (LPIDP), which worked together from 1996 in North Turkana under the support of Oxfam GB Turkana project.
The organization has extensive and vast humanitarian experience working directly with pastoralists from Turkana county and other pastoral communities both in the neighbouring counties of West Pokot, Baringo and Samburu in Kenya; and moreover Ethiopia, Uganda and South Sudan borders with Kenya.
Below are the key foundational programs and key sectors & priorities that defines TUPADO.
View AllThis is the foundational program that defines TUPADO. The program focuses on training of pastoralists on proper livestock husbandry practices; extension education to pastoralists on livestock disease diagnosis and prevention; public sensitization of communities on livestock diseases outbreak and reporting
TUPADO has adopted multi-stakeholders approach aimed at organizing strategic stakeholders and partners’ meetings with the Ministry of Agriculture Pastoral Economy and Fisheries (MAPEF), County Livestock Marketing Council (CLMC), representatives from the various Livestock Marketing Associations (LMAs) in Turkana County and other stakeholders stakeholders in the Livestock sector.
The organization in partnership with cross-border partners from Uganda, South Sudan & Ethiopia accord communities on both sides of the border opportunities for better co-operation, close coordination, peaceful coexistence & bridge isolation gaps to improve their livelihood and socio-economic conditions for sustainable peace & development.
TUPADO has implemented interventions aimed at building resilience to drought & adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities.
The programme focuses on increasing access and coverage for HIV prevention, care and treatment geared towards identification of HIV positive individuals, ensuring their enrolment into ART .
is a devastating force, leading to a hungrier and more vulnerable world. At TUPADO, we work with the pastoral communities who are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, to find a sustainable way forward together.
The organization approaches governance by placing citizen role at the center of the development processes at both county and national constitutional functional areas.
TUPADO works with pastoralists to reduce vulnerability and increase production through participatory development approaches, livestock improvement methods and capacity strengthening
Get InvolvedOur work increases incomes, improves livelihoods, and creates opportunities for those who have traditionally been excluded. Our programmes in Turkana County and its sorroundings inform how we–in close collaboration with our funders, partners, staff, and beneficiaries–achieve desired development outcomes and positively impact targeted communities. TUPADO is funded by official development assistance. We design and implement major agriculture, economic development, and resilience programs in developing countries.
If you’re a potential public sector donor, a government or foundation representative who would like to design and implement projects with us, please contact us on: info@tupado.org
TUPADO organization is in partnership with the following development agencies;