TUPADO is the acronym for Turkana Pastoralists Development Organization. The Organization was founded in 2000 and registered in Kenya as a National NGO in 2002 with the NGO Coordination Board. TUPADO was created from two organizations (Kakuma Pastoral Development Project (KPDP) and Lokitaung Pastoral Integrated Development Project (LPIDP), which worked together from 1996 in North Turkana under the support of Oxfam GB Turkana project.
The organization has extensive and vast humanitarian experience working directly with pastoralists from Turkana county and other pastoral communities both in the neighbouring counties of West Pokot, Baringo and Samburu in Kenya; and moreover Ethiopia, Uganda and South Sudan borders with Kenya. This we do in collaboration with cross-border partners and national NGOs and International humanitarian agencies like former VSF-Belgium, VSF Germany-VSF-G, International Rescue Committee-IRC, Mercy Corps, FHI 360, Hivos East Africa, Welt Hunger Hilfe-WHH, Unicef, among many others.
TUPADO has delivered humanitarian work focused on Livestock production, peace building and security, Livelihoods, WASH, Human Health Services, Climate Change and Governance and Human Rights among other programmes. To do this, we deliver integrated programming to strengthen resilience, enhance civic understanding of pastoralists on public participation Act mainly to help indigenous communities in the region to understand their democratic role of participation in county decision-making process, support community advocacy and action managed-plans, support market and informal community institutions, address the root causes of conflict through community-community initiatives, and equip vulnerable populations- in particular youth, women, adolescents and marginalized social groups- with the basic entrepreneurial skills, opportunities and resources they need to be diversify their livelihoods.
TUPADO organization is in partnership with the following development agencies;